8 Things About Me

23 08 2007

I just recently realized that Chris Davis tagged me on his blog to participate in one of those personal trivia sharing exercises (yeah, I’m behind on reading, just as I’ve been behind on writing), so here’s 8 random things about me that you may or may not have known.

1. I’m still driving the same truck I got for my 16th birthday — a 1986 Chevy Silverado.  It has over 219,000 miles on it, with the original engine.

2. My dream is to run a recording studio, so I can create my own music and help other people use their musical talents for God’s glory.  I’m doing this on the side now, and my praise team has a CD out, along with one of my friends who has a bluegrass band.  (You can check out samples here.)

3. God told me to fast from dating when I was around 25, and it lasted almost four years.  (That was interesting, and difficult, but it turned out to be awesome because of how much I grew spiritually and it really helped me focus on God.  It was also very peaceful.)

4. When God released me from that fast from dating and showed me who I was supposed to marry, I flew out to California the next weekend because she was out there for a summer internship at the C.S. Lewis Foundation.  (Who said I couldn’t be spontaneous?)  🙂

5. I write on two blogs — this one, and a humor blog called , where I can let loose my random side.

6. I played baseball and tennis in high school (and some basketball on the side).  A leg injury my junior year kept me from going pro in baseball (I’m sure that was the only reason).  For years after college I played church league softball, and now I play in a 3.5 tennis league (and I won the 3.0 league last fall!).

7. I took classical piano lessons from third grade through college, and played trumpet in school from sixth grade through college (playing in jazz band and marching band and wind ensemble).

lightning 1 - 8-14-068. Before I had decided on what I wanted to be when I grew up, I considered being a weatherman and storm chaser.  But I eventually decided to be a computer programmer.  Now I sometimes chase storms for fun, and even take some pictures.  (But it’s mainly lightning — I’ll leave tornado chasing to the experts.)

Next I tag Fab.



3 responses

27 08 2007
Important Instrumentalist

Would I, a certain drummer, and an occasional solo from a certain guitarist constitoot a wind ensemble?

28 08 2007

That’s not quite what I was referring to…

19 09 2007
8 Things About Me « Simply Fab

[…] Sep 19th, 2007 by Fab Beppo tagged me to write a post of 8 things you may or may not know about me. It has taken me a while to get around to it (as it does most of my posts), but I’m finally doing it. […]

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